Measurement of deformations of steel structures of an industrial facility
Measurement of deformations of a steel tank hull.
Development of the construction of the building of the National Institute of Public Health along with the accompanying technical and road infrastructure and accompanying facilities: a transformer station building, a waste and technical gas storage building.
Preparation of complete Design Documentation for the implementation of the investment project involving the construction of a hull hall for the "Miecznik" type vessel and the construction of a production hall with an office and social building on the premises of PGZ Stocznia Wojenna Sp. z o. o
Execution of the detailed design, land development in terms of architecture and network for TMP, author's supervision in the above-mentioned scope and implementation of a multi-discipline construction design for the building materials factory in Reda - silicate production hall
Execution of multi-discipline design studies, including: replacement construction design with obtaining a replacement building permit, executive design, bills of quantities, Specifications for Work Accomplishment and Acceptance together with author's supervision over the implementation of the Investment for the task entitled: " Budowa Nowego Nabrzeża na Terenie Portu Gdańsk, służąca realizacji inwestycji polegającej na Rozbudowie Morskiego Terminala Kontenerowego DCT Gdańsk S.A.”.
Execution of a multi-discipline construction and executive design for a residential building. In the building, on 5 floors, 61 one-, two-, three- and four-room apartments have been designed. On the ground floor there is an entrance area, a security room and a multi-car garage with 30 parking spaces.
Design work on the construction of a new seat of the Municipal Hospital in Gliwice. The utility program assumes the implementation of 12 bed wards, a complex of 11 hospital outpatient clinics, multifunctional surgeries, a hospital emergency department, and an operating block. A total of 356 hospital beds have been designed.
The industrial and warehouse facility with social and office area along with the accompanying infrastructure was designed for Zakład Produktów Energoelektroniki ABB. The whole complex consists of two single-storey technological halls and a two-storey office building.
Execution of multi-discipline design studies, including: replacement construction design, executive design, Specifications for Work Accomplishment and Acceptance together with author's supervision over the implementation of the Investment for the task called: "Rozbudowa Nadbrzeża Dworzec Drzewny w Porcie Gdańsk "
Execution of a multi-discipline construction and executive design for a residential building. The 5-storey building houses 62 one-, two- and three-room apartments. On the underground floor there are 44 parking spaces and storage rooms. The building is equipped with intelligent ventilation that automatically adjusts its operation to the level of pollution outside, the system also has a positive effect on the temperature inside the apartments. Additional amenities include laundry, parcel locker, remote management of living functions of the apartment (power supply, heating, lighting, opening/closing), remote access to basic common functions such as entrance gates, wickets.
The newly designed building includes a hot platform consisting of the Hospital Emergency Ward, the Operating Theater and a helipad elevated above the roof of the B4 segment. The platform has been designed in a way that allows quick access to the Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, the Department of Endoscopic Diagnostics and the Department of Diagnostic Imaging.
B4 and B4A Wing:
Preparation of multi-discipline design documentation in the field of conceptual design, construction design together with obtaining a building permit decision, detailed design, cost estimate documentation, preparation of a construction design for a plant superstructure, acceptance designs, participation in obtaining the required arrangements, permits and opinions.
The project included the expansion of the production hall with a loading section and maintenance workshops, extension of the office building, construction of a porter's lodge, storage and housing for technical gases in cylinders, technical gas tanks and foundations for devices, as well as land development and the necessary technical infrastructure
Development of complete multi-discipline design documentation, executive and as-built designs, land development design and author's supervision over construction works for an open multi-storey car park of the "PARK & RIDE" and "PARK & GO" type in Bydgoszcz.
Development of a competitive architectural concept for the extension and adaptation of the Orthopedic and Rehabilitation Clinical Hospital of Wiktor Dega in Poznań. The concept assumed the construction of a hospital building in place of the existing orthopedic clinics and a power generator, which are to be demolished. Between the designed building and the existing hospital, a link connecting the level of the first floor and the level of the planned operating block has been provided. The concept also provided for the construction of a connector at the level of the underground storey.
The fishing basin in the Port of Ustka along with communication infrastructure and the necessary technical infrastructure networks.
Źrodło zdjęcia: Google Maps
Designed commercial and service building with an internal communication system. The one-storey building houses universal pavilions for various purposes.
Multi-discipline comprehensive design works aimed at the construction of an integrated operating block at the 5th Military Clinical Hospital with the Polyclinic of SP ZOZ in Krakow.
The scope of the task includes the design of the production hall and social and administrative building with internal installations, buildings serving the entire assumption, as well as the communication system and arranged greenery.
Main photo source: https://portalkomunalny.pl/
A large-scale retail and service facility designed with accompanying infrastructure. According to its purpose, the building was divided into an office and social zone, a sales zone and a warehouse zone.
Completion of works on the largest teaching hospital in Poland, equipped with an integrated operating block, integrated endoscopy laboratory, radiotherapy centre with two linear accelerators, a cybernetic knife and tomotherapy, a nuclear medicine facility, and a hospital emergency department.
Photo source:
A typical object of industrial architecture. The building with a rectangular plan refers with its architecture to the existing factory building. The lower part of the building houses a production hall, while the three-storey upper part houses social and office rooms.
A replacement building design and an executive design of the production hall with the social and office part, the order-picking hall, the porter's lodge, the fire protection retention tank and the transformer station building were developed.
A three-storey commercial building with a functional division into a generally accessible public part and an office and technical part. The building includes a large-format store with an unloading area, a security office and a storage room.
Design works on the first stage of works aimed at creating a new university hospital in Poznań. The first of the buildings is planned as the seat of the hospital emergency department with a raised landing pad for helicopters, the intensive care unit and the integrated operating block
Design of a heavy steel construction factory hall equipped with 5 overhead cranes with a lifting capacity of 100 Mg, 5 overhead cranes with a lifting capacity of 25 Mg, 1 overhead crane with a lifting capacity of 20 Mg and an anti-corrosion hall equipped with one overhead crane with a lifting capacity of 25 Mg along with an office and social section.
Revitalization of the post-industrial areas of the port and the Vistula embankment. The assumption includes a complex of buildings with a tourist and recreational function and a land development project with the reconstruction of fortifications, construction of a footbridge and construction of a yacht marina.
Development of a functional and utility program for the construction of an innovative research and clinical centre called "Proton Rad Med Bydgoszcz" along with land development. A 3-storey building was designed: with 2 usable above-ground storeys and 1 underground storey.
Photo source: www.port.darlowo.pl/pl/infrastruktura.html
Design work on the largest newly built pediatric hospital in Europe. The hospital will provide comprehensive care for the youngest patients and consists of a hospital emergency department, an integrated operating block with 5 operating rooms, an integrated endoscopy laboratory, specialist clinics, as well as a highly specialized infectious diseases ward adapted to treat children with highly virulent diseases. The designed number of beds is 354 pcs.
Multi- discipline detailed design for the extension of the SCA Hygiene Products factory. The scope of the study included the design of the production hall, boiler room, social and administrative building and raw materials warehouse.
Completion of works on the largest teaching hospital in Poland, equipped with an integrated operating block, integrated endoscopy laboratory, radiotherapy centre with two linear accelerators, a cybernetic knife and tomotherapy, a nuclear medicine facility, a hospital emergency department with a helipad.
Construction and executive project including the construction of a marina with accompanying infrastructure on the Pasłęka River in Nowa Pasłęka.
As part of the investment, the following designs were developed: a mobile mill building and grain reception, shipping facilities, as well as tanks inside the mill building. The design of staircases and internal communication was also developed.
The building has over nine thousand square meters, six above-ground storeys and one underground storey, where there will be a parking lot. As part of the investment, we made, among others, a multi-functional lecture hall, seminar rooms, exercise rooms as well as didactic and pre-clinical rooms within individual departments and departments. There are also dental offices for standard and specialist treatment, together with a room for procedures under general anesthesia.
Every day, around 500 Polish students of medicine and dentistry are educated in the facility, and patients who have gained access to comprehensive and modern treatment in one place are admitted. All design work was, of course, done in BIM technology
Addition of a new shaft welding building to the existing production halls at the ALSTOM Power plant. The designed single-storey hall has a simple form, with an industrial character adapted to its function.
The largest newly built university hospital in Central Europe, equipped with rooms for 935 patients, an integrated operating block with 20 rooms, an integrated endoscopy area with 12 rooms, an intensive care unit, a radiotherapy centre with a cybernetic knife and tomotherapy, a nuclear medicine centre with PET CT and PET MRI and SPECT CT, emergency department, hemodynamics and interventional radiology laboratory.
Design work on the modernization, reconstruction and extension of the hospital, the aim of which is to raise the level of services provided in the leading hospital in the capital. The scope of work includes the design of a new emergency room, diagnostic imaging facility, central sterilization unit, intensive care unit and an integrated operating block.
Preparation of a conceptual and construction design together with obtaining a building permit in BIM technology for the construction of a new seat of the Poviat Police Headquarters in Pila, together with the development of the adjacent area.
The project included 3 buildings:
A - Usable area 6,430.97 m2,
B - Usable area 1,148.30 m2,
C - Usable area 230.00 m2
A two-stage architectural competition for the concept of a new complex of the Podkarpackie Children's Health Centre at the Clinical Provincial HospitalNo. 2 of St. Queen Jadwiga in Rzeszow.
While shaping the form of the building, the key hospital units were centralized, making up the so-called "hot platform", i.e.: Children's Hospital Emergency Department, Children's Operating Block, Children's Intensive Care Unit, Children's Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging Department and Central Sterilization in the immediate vicinity of the existing hospital buildings, connecting them with vertical communication with the airstrip and connectors with individual bed wards. Two compact blocks intended for hospitalized patients (western and central) have been spatially separated from the block of outpatients (eastern).
Construction of a health care building with a connecting building - a pavilion for the needs of the gynecology and obstetrics ward, containing: technical part with the archive, admission room, clinics, delivery ward, neonatology ward, obstetrics ward, gynecology ward, oncology gynecology ward, communication link with the existing hospital building.
The development includes preparation of a construction project for the "Construction of an operating block with a central sterilization room", which is functionally connected to the main building of the hospital through a connector on the ground floor and first floor.
In addition to the construction of the operating block, the project also included, among others:
The scope of the study includes the concept, construction design, executive design and author's supervision of the investment consisting in the reconstruction and modernization of the existing, unused G-321 post-shipyard building located in the Port of Gdynia. The facility will be adapted to the needs of the prototype workshop.
Construction and executive design of the modernization of the premises of the IT Services Centre of the Gdańsk University of Technology. An interior furnishing project was developed along with finishing materials, as well as a modernization project for electrical and sanitary installations.
Development of comprehensive documentation for the design of a new, four-story building of the Oncohematology Department and the extension to the existing Brachytherapy building of a bunkered operating room with facilities and equipment.
The facility is an extension and superstructure of a technical building, located in the central part of the existing Ministry of Internal Affairs hospital complex. Individual rooms and departments have been designed in accordance with technological guidelines.
The new headquarters for some of the wards of the Provincial Children's Hospital includes, among others Intensive Care Unit, Hospital Emergency Department, Operating Theater with a central sterilization room, hospital pharmacy and a chapel designed strictly according to technological guidelines.
The modernization project of the interiors of auditoriums no. 264 and 462 is part of the project Modern Auditoriums of the Gdańsk University of Technology, co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.
The designed laboratory building is characterized by a simple shape and a clear functional division. The facility was divided into three parts: a research hall, electrical rooms and auxiliary rooms located along the long side of the hall.
The facility houses didactic and research laboratories for students, laboratories for multimedia technology applications and the office of the Pomeranian ICT Cluster. An interior and acoustics design for the conference room located in the building was also developed.
Revitalization of the post-industrial areas of the port and the Vistula embankment. The assumption includes a complex of buildings with a tourist and recreational function and a land development project with the reconstruction of fortifications, construction of a footbridge and construction of a yacht marina.
The Kwidzyn Industrial and Technological Park includes a complex of buildings serving office and exhibition functions. The buildings were designed in the passive construction standard with the use of modern technologies of obtaining energy from alternative sources.
The Laboratory Center for Natural Sciences is part of the emerging Campus of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University. The facility has been designed for didactic and research laboratories for physics, biology and chemistry with different purity classes, as well as a lecture and presentation room.
The entire complex consists of two buildings: the Technology and Administration Incubator and the Technology Centre. The complex was designed together with the technical infrastructure, greenery and communication system.
The first stage of the expansion of the Independent Public Health Care Facility, assuming the expansion of the emergency room with a new building and its reconstruction in the existing wing of the hospital. The scope of the study covers the ground floor of the designed and rebuilt facility.
Illumination project for one of the most important bridges in Warsaw with the use of LED luminaires that enable RGB colour control, free programming of lighting and its free change depending on the needs.